· 1 part(s) Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum
· 2 part(s) Ziegler’s (or your favorite) Apple Cider
· 2 slice(s) Orange(s)
· 3 Cinnamon Stick(s)
· 4 Whole Cloves
Combine ingredients in order above in a crock-pot and stir, heat up and serve as needed. Garnish with a cinnamon stick. For a non-alcoholic option combine all the ingredients except the rum and add rum to mug as needed.
· 2 part(s) Ziegler’s (or your favorite) Apple Cider
· 2 slice(s) Orange(s)
· 3 Cinnamon Stick(s)
· 4 Whole Cloves
Combine ingredients in order above in a crock-pot and stir, heat up and serve as needed. Garnish with a cinnamon stick. For a non-alcoholic option combine all the ingredients except the rum and add rum to mug as needed.