It all started the day that Texas Tom moved to town. Tom was a short kid with a heavy Texas drawl and he brought with him stories of a powerful hallucinogenic drug none of us had ever heard of, named Marezine, which was an over the counter sea sickness medication available in most drug stores and super markets. Tom explained that we would need to take an entire box (12 pills), but promised a trip like no other. Keep in mind that we grew up in the Pop-A-Chocks era and truly believed that anything approved by the FDA couldn’t really hurt you, so we figured, “Why the hell not?”
Kramer, Miller and I gathered at Kramer’s house and proceeded to each take a box full. I believe what happened next was that we all fell asleep. We awoke to a raging party going on in Kramer’s house and everyone we knew was in attendance. The crazy thing was that none of us thought we were high and in fact, we thought the drug hadn’t worked. How wrong we were.
I’m guessing it was sort of like a mass hallucination. When one of us would say, “Hey there’s Watson”, the rest of us would also see that person. I remember searching for a match and then finding a grocery bag full of match packs, but when I’d reach into the bag, I wasn’t able to pull anything out. The hallucinations just kept getting stranger and all the while, we just accepted the weird event and moved on to the next as if it was somehow normal.
After a while, we decided that we would take a walk along the greenbelts to see what was going on out there. When we arrived at the Robinson’s house, we noticed a large party going on in their backyard and decided to go around front and invite ourselves in. When we rang the doorbell, Mrs. Robinson (no pun intended), answered in her nightgown and asked what we were doing there at this late hour, to which we answered that we’d like to come to their party, to which she replied “I think you boys should go home now”.
By the time we got back to Kramer’s house, the sun was starting to come up and things just kept getting weirder. The party was still raging, but I decided that I had better make my way home to get ready for school. When I walked out to my car, I discovered that it was hooked up to a tow truck and about to be towed away. I ran back into the house to tell my friends what had happened, but when I brought them out to show them, the tow truck had disappeared and my car was just sitting there right where I had parked it. I concluded that this was just a close call and proceeded to drive myself home. Along the way, I found myself running over pedestrians, skateboarders and bicyclists, each time slamming on my brakes in the middle of the road, getting out of my car and looking underneath to discover that my victim had magically disappeared. I remember feeling a huge sense of relief that I had not actually run someone over, without actually realizing that I was high.
I have tried many other hallucinogenic drugs since then, but I have never experienced the sort of realistic hallucinations that I did that evening. I don’t regret the experience, but I can tell you one thing for sure, I would never do it again. It’s like I always say
“I’ll try anything once, Dude”