When I stepped into the hot tub, I was greeted by my good friend and longtime Paradise resident, Michael. I’m pretty sure Michael was not the name his mama gave him, but I think at some point he had decided it was just easier to go by something all of us Florida rednecks could easily pronounce. He told me that he'd like to introduce me to his new friends, but I just replied: "I think everyone here knows who these dudes are.” Michael went on to say that he had a question he liked to put out there when meeting new people. What was your most embarrassing moment in life?
Michael then turned to me and said: "Why don't you start us off, Wali?” I had never been asked that question before, but the funny thing was that I knew exactly what story I was going to tell. It was a sad little story about a first date at a drive-in movie, wearing white linen pants and a sneaked fart gone horribly wrong, let’s just say there was never a second date. Up next was Jim Varney who told a story about one morning during the filming of the Beverly Hillbillies movie, he and his buddy Buck woke up in an unfamiliar hacienda somewhere south of the border and had no idea how they had got there. When it came around to Ron Jeremy's turn, it seemed as if couldn't decide just which juicy story he was going to tell, but eventually he offered up a precautionary tale of an on-set disaster involving a well-known female porn star and a poorly installed hanging love swing.
When it came back around to Michael, he told a story I will never forget. He started off his story by explaining that he had grown up the son of a poor rice farmer. He went on to describe how he had lived in a one-room house that his father had built by hand with his parents, younger siblings and his grandmother. During the rainy season every year, their little house flooded and the whole family was forced to take to the roof until the water receded. In fact, this was such a common occurrence that his father built a ladder in the center of the room that led to a trap door out onto the roof. Being the oldest son, it was his responsibility to make sure that the other children and his grandmother got up the ladder and onto the roof safely. One by one, he helped the children and then his grandmother onto the ladder. As soon as she was safely on the ladder, he followed right behind her. He said “It was then that I looked up and I saw my grandmother’s vagina in all its glory.” When we heard that, we all fell about the place laughing, but Michael stopped us with a very serious look on his face and said “No, that wasn’t the embarrassing part. My most embarrassing moment was when I looked a second time.”